Friendly Exam Team - New Jersey & Nationwide
Ready to get on the air?
We are ready to help. The West Essex Amateur Radio Club (WEARC) will help you complete the process quickly and easily. There are only 2 parts, payment and registration. Complete the payment (right click, open link in new tab), which is $15.00, by clicking on either the Pay with Venmo or Pay with Square links below. Once you have completed the payment, please complete the registration. It is that easy.
If you intend to take more than one exam during a session, please let us know via e-mail so we can allocate the right amount of time for you.
Please check your SPAM folder if you do not see a confirmation email from ExamTools within 3 minutes following registration.
If you have any questions, please contact us at or call Mike at 973-641-1999.
Venmo: Pay with Venmo
Square: Pay with Square
Thank you,
Mike Luongo