☀️🌴San Diego Ham Exam🌴☀️ - Online over Zoom - 9AM PACIFIC
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Saturday, Feb 22nd at 9 AM ONLINE Exam (Zoom meeting from your home)
IMPORTANT NOTE: We are holding this exam session online over Zoom. The actual exam is the same and the online process is very similar, but you do not need to leave your home nor start your car. You will be sent more infomation once you have registered.
SANDARC's Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) offers free in-person and online testing for all FCC Amateur Radio licenses.
SANDARC does not charge for first time license exam, re-test nor license upgrade.
Test for your Technician, General or Extra Class License. Multiple elements allowed. Please make sure that you have studied and you are passing practice exams with 80% or higher.
Our Volunteer Examiners are mostly San Diego hams who dedicate their time and expertise to ensure that the testing process fully complies with FCC regulations and procedures.
For more information, contact KM6Z at parker_prince@yahoo.com.
Pre-registration for the exam is preferred. Please obtain your FRN before you register. https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/support/knowledge-base/universal-licensing-system-uls-resources/getting-fcc-registration
The FCC charges $35 per application for new licenses, renewals, vanity call signs, etc. Upgrades are not charged the $35 fee.