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Seattle ACS: Meadowbrook in person exam session

Mar 15, 2025 (Sat)
3:00-4:30pm PDT
AE7VX: Seattle ACS: North Seattle VE Team
Test Fee:
10517 35th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125, USA
view map
American Radio Relay League (ARRL-VEC)
Slots available:
26 / 35 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

COVID-19 Requirements

If you are having cold-like symptoms or are not feeling well, please don't come to our in-person exams. Take an online exam instead.


You must have an "individual" FRN issued by the FCC to register for an exam session. Amateur Radio Licenses are for individuals only. Get one from here using the register button.

Let me know if you plan to take more than one exam element: We will allow you to take additional exam elements if you pass earlier elements, but only if you are well-prepared. There is no additional fee for additional elements. We need to know your plans, so we can organize the exam session.

We do not offer "re-tests" for failed exams at our sessions.

If you decide not to take an exam from us after registration, please send an email to AE7VX.DON@gmail.com and ask to have your registration cancelled. This allows other people into the session.

Check-In Requirements

Please show up at the session time shown on ham.study to check-in. The exams will begin after the check-in process is complete. If you arrive after the exams have begun, you will not be admitted and have missed the session.

We require a government issued photo id to be shown at check-in.

The exam fee is $15 paid at check-in. For youths (<18 years old) the exam fee is $5. Please bring exact change or a check to the session, it helps keep check-ins short. Checks should be made out to "Donald Lim".

Parents should accompany students 18 years of age and younger that can't meet this requirement. In cases where the student doesn't have any photo id, the parent will need to show the student's birth certificate (electronic copy ok) per the ARRL/VEC guidance.

Parent of student under 13 years old must have submitted a COPPA form to exam.tools as well as accompany the student to the session. Link to the COPPA form is on the first page during the online registration process. Parents, please submit this before registering for the session.

If you have a Certificate of Successful Completion of Exam (CSCE) from a prior, recent exam that is not reflected in your FCC ULS record, you must bring the original to the session.

We may ask you to verify your existing FCC license address if it is different than the address on your photo id.

Time Limits

Our exam location closes at 5p, hard stop time and the exams must be completed early enough to cleanup and vacate by that time. This means that you will likely have about an hour to complete all your exams. This limit has not been a problem for examinees in practice. Please come well prepared.

Additional Information for the Meadowbrook Community Center

There is free parking in front of the building. Enter the main entrance and behind the main desk area there is a hallway and a back room for which the technician class will be held. We will start the exams at approximately 3p after the class concludes.