North Central Indiana Hamfest
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We are anxious to administer your next exam, learn more about us on Facebook.
The test session will be held at the Miami County 4-H Fairgrounds. Please pre register prior to the session to save you time the day of the session. Walk-Ins are welcome but will be required to register at the test session prior to testing if not pre registered.
This is a very simple 2-step process. Really, try not to overthink this friend, as this is meant to be enjoyable!
- Register right here at HamStudy for your exam using the Orange Register button below. Although your phone number is optional, it helps immensely if we need to contact you about your exam. It is never shared or disseminated, promise!
- Follow instructions you will immediately receive by email. This email will contain all the information and links you will need. Don't forget to submit your exam fee using either the links here, or in the email you will receive, you may also pay cash at the Hamfest test session.
Please check your SPAM folder for possible misdirected mail about your test session.
Exam fee is $14. Please follow links below or in confirmation email to submit your exam fee.