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GLAARG Online Exam Session | Testing fee waivers available | Let’s make this fun!

Mar 09, 2025 (Sun)
10:00-12:00pm PDT
Test Fee:
Remote session - see session notes
Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group
Slots available:
1 / 15 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

Greetings, party people! Welcome to this Sunday Funday session! We are excited to administer your exam! Please check out the information below. Do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or requests!


Exam availability

This session is available for anyone who wishes to take a US FCC Amateur Radio exam. All FCC amateur radio license exams (Technician, General, and Amateur Extra) are available to anyone from any state, territory, or country.

You can choose to take multiple exams (Technician, General, and/or Extra) for the same fee. You must take the exams in order.

Please ensure you have studied sufficiently for any exams you wish to take. This is not a place to “try” taking exams without adequate preparation.

GLAARG VEC exam fee

If you qualify under one of the waiver categories below, your test is free!

  • Minors (under age 18)
  • Full-time students (under age 25)
  • Active US military
  • US military veterans
  • GLAARG volunteer examiners upgrading to Extra

Otherwise, we will send you an invoice for the $10.00 GLAARG exam fee a few days before the session. Please either pay or submit the waiver form as soon as you can after you receive it.

We charge an additional $10.00 retesting fee for anyone who does not pass and then wishes to retest at the same session, including waived applicants.

A few days before the session, we will email you information on how to attend the session's Zoom meeting as well as how to pay or submit a waiver request.

FCC application processing fee

The FCC charges a $35.00 fee for new (Technician) amateur radio licenses, renewals, and vanity call sign requests. This fee is in addition to the GLAARG $10.00 exam fee.

After you pass your exam, GLAARG will send your license application to the FCC. The FCC will issue a file number and email you a link with instructions on how to pay the fee online using their CORES system.

Once the FCC processes your application and emails you, you will have 10 days to pay the processing fee online.

Session logistics

We prefer you have the Zoom application installed rather than joining on a web browser. Joining the Zoom session does not require a subscription or account. Please ensure you have a stable internet connection, video, and sound. You can test your Zoom here!

We prefer that you have a modern laptop or desktop computer with sound and video. If you only have a tablet or some other device, please contact me and we will be happy to work with you!

You may use a phone or tablet as a secondary device to show us your environment or identification if your main device is not moveable or does not have sufficient camera quality.

Testing environment
Choose a testing environment that helps you focus on taking your exam. It should be clear of study materials, paper, clutter, and distractions such as other people, pets, or noise.

You may have a blank sheet of scratch paper and a non-programmable calculator (either physical or on your computer).

Parental consent

If you or anyone you are registering for this session is under the age of 13, please fill out the ExamTools COPPA Parental Consent Form and then email it to both coppa@examtools.org and n7ksw@glaarg.org.

Let us know if you have any questions! We hope to see you soon!