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Saturday Morning Public Session

Jun 21, 2025 (Sat)
11:00-12:00pm EDT
KC8UFV: N8LPQ ARC Amateur Radio Cooperative
Test Fee:
1025 W River Rd, Maumee, OH 43537, USA
view map
American Radio Relay League (ARRL-VEC)
Slots available:
0 / 10 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

Preregistration is strongly encouraged, as it helps ensure you have everything you need before the test, and allows us to make sure we have sufficient examineers to efficiently run the session. If none are pre-registered by 9:00 PM ET the evening before the test session, we will cancel the session for lack of examinees.

The session is held at one of the shelters at Sidecut Metropark near the water. Make sure you bring your ID $15 test session fee ($5 for minors) in cash, as well as any documentation for exam credit you would like considered that is not currently reflected in the FCC database.

Time permitting, retests may be available, but are considered a seperate session at an additional session fee.

If you need special accomodations, such as having the test read to you, or need us to come to you, please contact KC8UFV+VE@GMAIL.COM, and we can schedule a special session.