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W5YI Session - In-Person

Apr 12, 2025 (Sat)
10:00-11:00am EDT
Test Fee:
200 Maryland Ave, Winchester, KY 40391, USA
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W5YI Licensing Services
Slots available:
2 / 15 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

Hello possible applicants: This is an in-person amateur radio test session. It will be in Winchester KY at the Winchester/Clark County EOC. All testing will be done using computers. This is a very efficient and quick way of testing. You need to arrive before 10:00 AM, if possible. Testing can begin when there are enough VE's present, which is usually before the scheduled time. Bring with you a photo ID, $14.00 cash, and a calculator if you wish to use one. You are allowed to continue taking tests, as long as you keep passing them. To retake a test that was failed is another application fee of $14.00. W5YI, nor I, have anything to do with collecting the application fee from the FCC. They collect that online from you. You pay that fee with your desktop or laptop computer, only. They are not processing via cellphones or tablets. You may contact me either by cellphone, text or voice, or email. My cellphone number is (859) 771-1834. My email is AC4YD@ARRL.NET.